Gina Takes TAB to South Africa

TAB messenger took off yesterday from LAX in the hot little hands of Gina. She is trial testing TAB on it’s longest trip yet: Los Angeles to South Africa. Gina is one of us who is totally grossed out by the weirdness that can exist in the dark void of the seatback pocket. She is freaking out that TAB was born and crazy about using it on this trip.

First reports from the field were about the insert bags:
“Happy I can pull out what I need and it is organized in these cool bags. Awesomeness.”
She loves the strap for the rolling bag and TAB:Messenger fit right into the pocket of her first flight like a glove. Gina has two more connections and twenty hours ahead of her. We probably won’t hear from her again until the brutal jet lag wears off.
Be one of the first with TAB:Messenger, launching on Kickstarter. Ends February 20.